Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Phew~ It's been a while since I had a good sleep or perhaps a nap. Why said so? Cause I haven't been sleeping these few nights, only for a few hours then woke up early in the morning to finish off the reports. At least one thing to be submitted each day and continuously. GREAT stuff aye! Feeling satisfied after taking a long nap this afternoon. Woosh~ Finally got to have at least a good sleep.

Uni life oh~ I was expecting uni life to be very relax and easy but I was very wrong. Very wrong. People kept telling me that uni life is gonna be one of the best thing in your life cause you don't have to go to uni everyday and your time would be very flexible. But I keep asking myself why isn't it happening to me. Why not me?

Now, I realise why. I think it has something to do with the course people do. The course I'm doing right now... Sigh, I'm really speechless sometimes. I have to go to the uni to attend my tutorials or lectures from Monday to Friday, morning to late afternoon, sometimes evening. Basically it's just like going to school everyday but going to school would be much more fun and less stressful cause in uni, you will need to focus and concentrate what is being taught most of the times or else you're gonna be a dead meat. I do no need to elaborate furthermore on this cause you might get the idea of how uni life is now.

Not to hide it with you, I do skip lecture though, not tutorials cause I need a break sometimes and give myself time to chillax a bit. Ops, I did it again today cause I couldn't wait to go home and sleep my ass off after so many days of sleepless nights. Feel guilty but at least I can manage those lectures myself so not to worry about it. The units I'm doing at the moment are like math and science stuff so it's still okay for me, just that I hate it when I need to do reports. It's okay to do it once in a while but in my case, the due date for the reports is all packed up and I can't even have a break before doing the next one. Not every time but it has been happening for quite a number of times already since semester 2. So yeh...

Thus, weekend is the thing that I anticipate the most and YES! weekend is arriving soon! Awesome shiz~ It's the only time I get to chillax with the friends, eat good food and rest my mind a bit. Talking about the stress, it actually isn't a bad thing cause it drives your motivation sometimes but getting too much of that might be a little tough when you're going through that stage.

Okay, see you soon weekend.

Just to add a one more point, sometimes I would even need to stay at home during the weekends and thanks to the shizzz. AWESOME!

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